ISEES Fellow Grade Membership - 2024
1. Purpose of the Award
To recognize contribution made by eminent person
in the fields of Energy, Environment, Sustainability and Combustion,
within the purview of the society.
2. Eligibility
Any individual who is not a fellow, during the year of the Award. The
nominated individual should be a member of the society with at least one
year of good standing. The individuals known for their excellent
accomplishments in the fields of Energy, Environment, Sustainability, and
Combustion, who are not members of the society, can also be considered to be
elected as Honorary fellows. However, they are identified by the ISEES, and
there is no application for Honorary fellows.
3. Criteria
An eminent individual, who has made outstanding contributions in the fields
of Energy, Environment, Sustainability, and Combustion, which have brought
prestige to the profession and the field. The contributions may be in any
discipline of engineering/ science involving projects which have been
successfully executed and have been regarded as landmarks of technological
4. Number of Fellows
Maximum six fellows in a year, normally. The society reserves the right not
to recommend any fellow in any year.
5. Nominations
Nominations will be invited from existing ISEES fellows/ executive committee
members by the second week of August each year. The nominations may be sent
in a prescribed
format with a brief statement of outstanding and distinguished
contributions of the nominee. Self-nomination of an individual shall not be
considered. Nominations shall remain valid for two years, and re-nominations
shall be accepted
6. Last date of Nomination
The date of receipt of nominations is 15th
October 2024.
7. Selection for the Fellows
The selection committee for choosing the fellows comprises the existing
fellows of the society. The Executive Committee of ISEES considers the
recommendations of the “Committee of Fellows” and selects the best
candidates for the conferment of the Fellow grade member designation. The
nominations and supporting documents are made available to EC, and a
majority vote makes a decision.
8. Plaque
The Fellow grade membership recognition consists of a citation and a plaque.
9. Presentation of the Award
The awardees will be requested to deliver a public lecture on an appropriate
subject of their choice in any field at a Society event.
The decision of the ISEES EC shall be final and binding in this regard.
Forwarding of Nominations
Nominations may be sent to:
Sujeet Sharma
FB301, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur-208016, Uttar Pradesh, India
Mobile: +91 8765599882, Tel: +91-512-2597405, Fax: +91-512-2597408
