Vth  International Conference


 Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (V SEEC)

 (Virtual Mode)

December 19-21, 2020

Organized by

International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ISEES)



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19th December 2020, Saturday

10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Theme 1: Emerging Contaminants: Monitoring and Degradation Challenges

Prof. Superna Mukherji (IITB)

Prof. A. Shriwastav (IITB)

Prof. Manoj Kumar Tiwari (IIT KGP)

Prof. Alok Sinha (IIT Dhanbad)

Moderator: Prof. Swatantra P. Singh (IITB)

Session Volunteer: Ankur Kalwar (6377022967); Nazmul (9577447746)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i8p_ZBUiT9KR7OfRBgohAQ

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Inaugural Session and Plenary Talk by Dr. VK Saraswat

“Technologies for Energy Security and Sustainability”

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ITqNlj4WRtO1xQ9PZom3UQ

3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Theme 2: Advanced Engine Technologies and Alternative Transportation Fuels

Prof. Antonio Garcia (Spain)

Prof. Franz Winter (TU Wien)

Prof. S.S. Thipse (ARAI, Pune)

Prof. V Ganesan (IIT Madras)

Prof. K K Pant (IIT Delhi)

Moderator: Dr. Dhananjay Kumar Srivastava (IIT KGP)

Session Volunteer: Ashutosh Jena (8218783961)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lLgALMXDTmu78I0QvObrzg

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Theme 3: Future Fuels for Sustainable Transport

Dr. RK Malhotra (The Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry)

Dr. KB Mishra (IIT Roorkee)

Prof. Yogesh C Sharma (IIT BHU)

Prof. Ramesh Agarwal (Washington University)

Dr. Nirendra Mustafi (RUET, Bangladesh)

Moderator: Dr. Atul Dhar (IIT Mandi)

Session Volunteer: Hardik Valera (7317616722)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6mO8iJz5RU2Py8kUBQFBVw

20th December 2020, Sunday

10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Theme 4: Sustainable Bioprocessing for Biofuel/ Non-biofuel Production by Carbon Emission Reduction

Prof. Hector Ruize (Mexico)

Dr. Obuli Kartik (USA)

Prof. Meisam Tabatabei (Malaysia)

Prof. Praveen Kumar (India)

Prof. Mukesh Awasthi (China)

Prof. Karthik Rajendran (India)

Moderator: Prof. Shashikant Bhatia (Seoul)

Session Volunteer: Dr. Vikram Kumar (7985288630)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sdQMiBOYSbySMLVgfZFs6Q

02:30 PM to 04:30 PM

Theme 5: Future of Solar Energy

Dr. Harjit Singh (Brunel University London, UK)

Dr. Abhishek K. Singh (University of Twente, Netherlands)

Dr. Vishnu Budama (German Aerospace Center, Germany)

Dr. Adersh Asok (CSIR-NIIST)

Dr. Ankit Bansal (IIT Roorkee)

Moderator: Dr. Himanshu Tyagi (IIT Ropar)

Session Volunteer: Utkarsha Sonawane (9730489122)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GL-zndVzRCeyGPKf6Dydrg

05:00 PM to 07:00 PM

Theme 6: Desalination and Wastewater Treatment by Membrane Technology

Prof. Chris Arnush (BGU Israel)

Prof. Roni Kasher (BGU Israel)

Dr. Tabish Nawaz (IIT B)

Moderator: Prof. Swatantra P. Singh(IITB)

Session Volunteer: Ankur Kalwar (6377022967); Nazmul (9577447746)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VMsKvj7sREudGwgJKzZlsg

07:00 PM to 08:00 PM

GBM of ISEES (Only for ISEES members)

21st December 2020, Monday

10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

Theme 7: Biotechnology in Sustainable Development

Prof. Parag R. Gogate (ICT, Mumbai)

Dr. Madhuri Narra (SPRERI, Gujrat)

Prof. Ramkrishna Sen (IIT Kharagpur)

Prof. Kaustubha Mohanty (IIT Guwahati)

Dr. Binod Parameswaran (NIIST, Trivandram)

Moderator: Prof. VS Moholkar (IITG)

Session Volunteer: Dr. Vikram Kumar (7985288630)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cUe27PELQO26uJOCgTPXmA

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Plenary Talk by Prof. Sandeep Verma, Secretary, SERB on “New and Equitable R&D Funding Opportunities at SERB”

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88151251303?pwd=WFNyUGx1eVJoWWRaNmw2T2Rwc1EyZz09

Please copy this link in the browser in case of difficulty in joining.

3:30 PM to 5:30 PM

Theme 8: Emerging Solutions for Environmental Applications

Dr. Sukumar Devotta (CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur)

Prof. Anil Kashyap (UWE, Bristol)

Dr. Shirish Hari Sonawane (NIT Warangal)

Dr. Saravanadevi Sivanesan (CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur)

Dr. Sandeep Mudliar (CSIR-CFTRI)

Moderator: Dr. Nitin Labhsetwar (CSIR-NEERI Nagpur)

Session Volunteer: Utkarsha Sonawane (9730489122)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Q2En4sudTVaiYpMWNC333Q

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Theme 9: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Vehicle Adoption

Prof. Gautam Kalghatgi (University of Oxford)

Prof. Ashok Jhunjhunwala (IIT Madras)

Dr. Kelly Senecal (Convergent Science)

Dr. Amir Abdul Manan (Aramco Asia)

Dr. Sayan Biswas (USA)

Moderator: Prof. Avinash K Agarwal (IIT Kanpur)

Session Volunteer: Hardik Valera (7317616722)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d2Px3x7kQpOxxcm04CIkpA

* To be confirmed



(1) Please contact session volunteers for any information related to sessions.

(2) Attendees can join the session by using the Zoom links. Login details and guidelines will be sent to the registered email id.

© 2020 International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability

Last Updated on 16th Dec, 2020