IX  International Conference


 Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (IX SEEC)

December 12-15, 2024


Organized by

IIT Mandi Catalyst, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India

Under the auspices of

International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (ISEES)




Call for Papers


Technical Program







Information about Sponsorship

The organising committee offers opportunities for sponsorship to advertise your company, products and services during the conference.
(1) Diamond Sponsor: INR 5,00,000 (Includes 4 registrations + 1 exhibition booth + Full page in Abstract book)
(2) Platinum Sponsor: INR 3,00,000 (Includes 3 registrations + 1 exhibition booth + Full page in Abstract book)

(3) Gold Sponsor: INR 2,00,000 (Includes 2 registrations + 1 exhibition booth + One half page in Abstract book)
(4) Silver Sponsor: INR 1,00,000 (Includes 1 registration + 1 exhibition booth + One half page in Abstract book)
(5) Bronze Sponsor: INR 50,000 (Includes 1 registration)

Conference Event Sponsorship

Technical Session Sponsor

INR 50,000

Mini-symposia Sponsor

INR 50,000

Registration Material

INR 1,00,000

Conference Banquet

INR 2,00,000

Conference Lunch

INR 75,000


Abstract Book Advertisement

Inside of back cover (Colour)

INR 50,000

Full page (b&w)

INR 25,000

Half page (b&w)

INR 10,000


Terms and Conditions

(1) To join IX SEEC as a sponsor, please complete the online form of IX SEEC Sponsorship.

(2) All sponsorships will be confirmed on first-come, first served basis.

(3) Upon confirmation, sponsorship is to be deposited in conference account within 15 days.

(4) No cancellation policy.


Note: For any information related to sponsorship, contact Conference Secretary





© 2024 International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability

Last Updated on 10th June, 2024